Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingOctober 2016 will soon give way to November, this is likely to be a busy weekend, that includes Halloween, and Beast Fest in Bladenboro.  Organizers promise this will be one of the all time best.

Hope the collard sandwich is still an option.

Ron Taylor at Lu Mil has more grapes than he knows what to do with, so he is giving them away, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday.  NO CHARGE….FREE. Bring your own container. I have taken advantage in the past, and trust me, they are plentiful and delicious.

Bladen County weather averages for this time of the year:

                   High Temp       Low Temp

October      75 degrees       50 degrees

November  66 degrees       41 degrees

December  57 degrees       33 degrees

Average first frost of the season, last couple of days in October ’til first few days of November.

Another great week for BladenOnline last week. 

Pages Viewed      131,117

Visits                      27,804

Users                     14,808

Time on site per visit  3.23 minutes.

Most read story last week:

8,101: Bladen County arrests two in double homicide: active warrants on two others.

Add your business to our website.  Call Charlotte Smith at 910-876-5393 or email BladenOnlineSales@gmail.com for details.

NCDOT still busy working, in Bladen and across eastern NC, restoring our road system following the recent visit by Hurricane Mathew.  And, volunteers are still ‘at work’ helping area residents recover from Mathew.

Cubs lose first game of 2016 World Series to Cleveland, 6-0 was the score.  Tonight’s game begins at 7:08 p.m., rain is expected in the area.

Happy Birthday to my bride of nearly 56 years.  Sarah Clark Hester is ???? years old.

Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.  Elizabeth Andrew

The heart of a volunteer is not measured in size, but in the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.  DeAnn Hollis

Volunteers are not paid—not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.  Unknown

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