Thoughts While Shaving
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Late NFL score … Packers 37 – Saints 30.

A couple of other scores…
Panthers 21 – Chargers 16
Titans 31 – Vikings 30

Tonight … 8:15 p.m. Kansas City Chiefs vs Baltimore Ravens.

Think my printer is dying, or could be the operator is out of touch … Attempted to print several times recently … no go … ’bout 5 a.m. today, began to make a noise … guess it is operating like the elderly owner … can’t depend on it…

Just a few days remaining in September 2020 … Thinking back over the years as a youngster, the son of a share-cropper … the whole family was busy, spring, summer and into fall … but, we would occasionally go to the beach, the whole family in late September or early October … If we were lucky, it would be a warm day, if not … still wanted to get in the water…

One more event that many enjoyed ’bout this time of year was the Tobacco Festival, usually held in Clarkton, at a tobacco warehouse … Some would spend the night … good memories…

I hope this time next year we can think back to fall of 2020 and it just be a memory … COVID-19 no longer a threat, election over and a strong economy that lifts spirits for all…

If you have a little extra cash to spare, looking for a good cause, there are many … ex. SE Carolina Carolina Crossroads, Shriners or St. Jude hospitals for children or any orphanage … maybe you know of a family struggling … In this land of plenty … there is still so much need, all around…

“Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.” Les Brown

“If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little give of your heart.” Arabian Proverb

“My favorite six words in recovery are: trust God, clean house, help others.” Mathew Perry.

“In about the same degree as you are helpful you will be happy.” Karl Reiland

robert g hester

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