Thoughts While Shaving
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Happy Labor Day and if you have the day off, enjoy.

Suggestions, today would be a great day to enjoy one of the area lakes with family and friends, do nothing, go shopping in downtown Elizabethtown, or cut the grass. If you are in charge, your call.

I have heard for years that Labor Day is kick-off time for political candidates in the year of elections. Can’t imagine how the candidates representing the major political parties can be more aggressive and have been for months. Looking forward to September 9, the day after the election.

With that thought in mind, I love Facebook and other social media sites, however, there are so many misleading headlines, flat out untruths by news sources never heard of, and so many subscribers never check, if the headlines supports their thinking, they pass it on, never checking to see if there is a ‘kernal’ of truth in the article. Pure gossip, the truth is difficult enough. Check them out on FactCheck.

I love telling the BladenOnline story. In August 2016, pages viewed, visits and users, all were up by large numbers over the same month last year.

640,131 pages were viewed in 2016, compared with 578,939 a year ago.

141,560 visits were recorded last month, up an astounding 45% over the same month last year, and users doubled to 54,387 in the same 12 month period.

Anyway you compare, I challenge anyone to match the growth….and the subscription price is unchanged, IT IS DELIVERED DAILY WHEREVER YOU ARE IN THIS WORLD, ON TIME, & FREE OF CHARGE.

If you are looking for a way to promote your business, I have a recommendation. Call Charlotte Smith at 910-876-5393 for details about advertising on BladenOnline.com.

I always arrive late at the office, but I make up for it by leaving early. Charles Lamb

Wheaties: the breakfast of champions and the dinner of the unemployed.

The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one. Oscar Wilde

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