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Submitted by Ben Snyder, Bladen County Democrat Party Chair

This Saturday, July 8, Christian Cano, a democrat and a candidate for US Congress House of Representatives, will be at the Farmer’s Market Complex in Elizabethtown beginning around10:00 a.m.   Christian will not be there to deliver a political speech.  He will be there to meet and listen to any and all potential voters and/or concerned citizens.  Christian is running for the District 9 Seat in the US Congress and, if successful in the Democratic Primary in 2018, will run against the incumbent Robert Pittenger or whomever wins the GOP Primary.

For those who have concerns about the thousands of North Carolinians who will lose their health care plan and Medicaid when the Republican bill known as the “Affordable Care Act”, already passed by the US House of Representatives with the full and unwavering support of Congressman Pittenger, is passed by the US Senate or the present Agriculture Subsidies are  eliminated in the proposed budget bill apparently being worked on in the House or anything else you want to speak to Christian about, he will be there to listen and to tell you what he intends to do about it, when he is elected.  If you would like to speak to Congressman Pittenger about these or other pressing issues, unfortunately and apparently he is unlikely to be available during his ‘recess’.


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