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By: Joy Warren

White Lake Police at White Lake MeetingThe Town 0f White Lake Board of Commissioners met in regular session Tuesday evening.  Commissioner Tim Clifton requested legal clarification on the sale/consumption (on premises and off premises) of malt beverages.  Town Attorney Clif Hester stated those parameters are handled through the ABC Commission based on the application of the business requesting to sell the beverages.


In administrative matters, the Board approved tax releases ($289.78), and utility releases ($1010.56); approved the Annual Support Agreement  of the Town’s financial accounting software package for the 2016/17 Fiscal Budget Year ($4,220); approved Aclara Maintenance Agreement  ($4,267) for monitoring end-to-end data transfer from the meter/MTUs, DCUs; authorized the unsealing of the Closed Session minutes for the meeting held on October 21, 2014 (Attorney-Client Privileges – Regal Resort);  set fees for Subdivision application ($350), approved Subdivision application forms; and accepted the 2014/15 Fiscal Year audit as presented by Auditor Bryon Scott.


Mayor Womble reviewed the civil penalty assessed against Mr. Cliford Stephens, 82 Aquamarine Drive, Regal Resort on Carolina Bay ($4,600) on November 09, 2015 resulting from a Zoning Violation Notice issued on July 14, 2015 for failure to obtain a zoning permit for the placement of a storage building at 82 Aquamarine Dr., Regal Resort on Carolina Bay.   According to Mr. Stephens’ correspondence, his parents were experiencing major health issues during this time creating a financial hardship and delaying him in getting the violation corrected.  Mr. Stephens removed the storage building and is asking the Board to waive the civil penalty against him due to financial hardships.  Staff recommended that the Board consider waiving the penalty, and that Mr. Stephens pay the $225.00 post-construction zoning permit fee to cover the administrative costs incurred during the violation process.   The Board assessed the $75 zoning permit fee and waived the civil penalty assessed against Mr. Stephens.


Mayor Womble informed the Board that campground and manufactured home park owners have been notified of the requirements of Article XI Development Standards for Individual Uses, Section 11-1.27(B)(8) of the Town of White Lake Zoning Ordinance that a yearly register must be submitted to the Town by January 31, 2016 of all occupants within their campground(s) and manufactured home park(s).


Hope Campbell with Camp Clearwater provided an update to the Board on Phase II of the individual automatic meter project.  The original completion date for Phase II is January 23, 2016.  Due to the rain and inclement weather, Camp Clearwater anticipates having Phase II completed and ready to be accepted by the Town by February 23, 2016 meter reading cycle.  Anderson Engineer estimated the sewer mapping plan to be approximately 75% complete and will provide rough copies of the plan to the Board.


Police Chief Bruce Smith introduced the newest officer in the department, Officer Brooks Yandle, who was welcomed by Mayor Womble and the Town Commissioners.


The Municipal Complex and Post Office will be closed Monday, January 18, 2016 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  The on-call person will be available in case of water/sewer emergencies.

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