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by Danna Martínez

Sometimes we hear or say comments so disoriented from reality that all we think is, “Pff, That’s crazy!” or “No way,” or even “That’s preposterous.”

The word preposterous comes from the Latin praeposterus. This term refers to the strange, weird, crazy, illogical, or foolish.

Absurd is the opposite of reasonable. An object, subject, or situation can be classified as ridiculous when it is meaningless or makes no sense at all. The preposterous is opposed to rationalism and logic.

The “absurd” situations are relative. Thinking that something is absurd is a matter of each person’s perspective.

The things that are considered absurd vary from person to person. The preposterous is illogical, and what has logic for me maybe has no logic for someone else. At some point in our life, we may have done something that we were sure would turn out well. But, sometime later, we realized that what we did didn’t make any sense. This happens in different contexts: a little mischief, a fight with a loved one, or an inappropriate comment.

However, the relativity of the absurd not only depends on each person but society and its context.

Long ago, air travel seemed impossible, and the idea of knowing space made no sense; it was something “preposterous.” Today, humanity has made thousands of breakthroughs that were sometimes impossible. In the same way, in the past, we believed that the earth was flat. However, after studies and advances, we discovered that the planet had a different shape. Also, we noticed that to think that way was something “preposterous.”

Absurdness today is an irrational act.

The absurd is a concept that has gained importance in different fields of knowledge:

  • In literature, currents such as surrealism inspire the preposterous concept. It also provides a sense of humor and surprise.
  • In philosophy, the absurd provides a different reflection on the questions of existence and the meaning of life.
  • Humor and the absurd are closely related. In some ways, irrationality has played a fundamental role when it comes to laughter.

Preposterous ideas are part of our human actions. Living in society, we are used to recognizing specific standards. Daily life means for us to know the basic norms of coexistence as well as the indirect norms of civilization. For example, we understand that a late-model car does not cost $100. If somebody told us that it costs that amount, we would not believe it, and we would think that what that person said is “absurd.”

When we know the meaning or purpose of something, we understand it rationally. Conversely, when there is an absence in the finality of something, we would believe that it is absurd.

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