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by Kayla Bell

Bees are beautiful, buzzing creatures that play an essential role in our ecosystem. Not only do these little insects make honey, but they are also interesting creatures and essential pollinators. These ten entertaining facts can help you appreciate these amazing flying machines even more.

1. Bees are Master Builders:

The hexagonal cells used by bees to create their hives are a marvel of architecture, allowing for the largest amount of storage capacity with the least amount of building materials.

2. The Queen’s Reign:

The queen bee is the biggest and sole egg-laying bee in a hive. She has a five-year lifespan and can lay up to 2,000 eggs every day.

3. The Bee Dance:

Bees use dance as a form of communication. The ‘waggle dance’ is a special way that bees communicate where food sources are.

4. Bees are Speedy Flyers:

A bee’s top speed when flying is twenty miles per hour. Even though they are little, bees travel great distances every day to find nourishment.

5. Bees are Crucial Pollinators:

About 70% of the fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds that humans eat are pollinated by bees. Our diets would be far less diversified and nourishing without bees.

6. Bees are Ancient Creatures:

Bees have been buzzing around for a long time. The oldest known bee fossil was found in amber and dates back 100 million years.

7. Bees Can Recognize Human Faces:

Studies have revealed that honeybees can identify and recall human faces, indicating that they may have a stronger memory than we usually give them credit for.

8. Bees have Five Eyes:

Bees have three smaller ocelli eyes on top of their heads and two larger compound eyes on the sides of their heads. They can detect light intensity and maintain orientation with the aid of these extra eyes.

9. The Sting of a Female Bee:

Only female bees can sting. Male bees, or drones, do not have a stinger.

10. Bees are World Travellers:

The Americas are not the native home of honeybees. The first European settlers carried them to North America.

So, the next time you see a bee buzzing around your garden, remember, that there’s more to these little creatures than meets the eye. These facts about bees show just how fascinating, and important, these insects truly are.

Reference Links

What Does A Bee See?

Are Honey Bees Native?

How Much Food Do Bees Pollinate?

Queen Bee

Bee the Builder

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