Three Bladen County towns were awarded almost $2 million in loans and grants by the State Water Infrastructure Authority to help pay for drinking water and wastewater projects, the N.C. Department of Energy and Natural Resources announced Thursday.
The Town of Clarkton will receive $1.097 million to help fund three projects. Clarkton was awarded a $421,000 revolving loan from the Federal Clean Water State Revolving Fund for its equalization basin project, a $480,600 State Water Infrastructure Fund Wastewater Reserve High Unit Cost grant for its collection system project, and $196,300 from the State Water Infrastructure Fund Drinking Water Reserve High Unit Cost grant for water system improvements.
The Federal Clean Water State Revolving Fund is made up of a federal grant from the Environmental Protection Agency and a 20 percent match from the state. The revolving fund is a loan program used to improve water quality by financing wastewater, stormwater and other clean water infrastructure improvements.
The Town of Elizabethtown was awarded $436,050 for water well replacement from the Federal Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan program. It’s a federal grant from the Environmental Protection Agency and a 20 percent match from the state.
The Town of Dublin was awarded $311,000 from the Federal Clean Water Revolving Fund loan program for replacement of its pump station on N.C. 410.
Statewide, 83 projects received funding loans and grants of about $164 million.