Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingWhat would you do if you were to win the lottery?  Many say they would quit work, pay off debts, send children to college, etc.  If I were to win (fat chance) I am currently unemployed, on a fixed income and not looking for work.  Children are grown and gone.  One grandchild has graduated from college and gainfully employed and the other is a second year student at ECU Dental School.  I could/would gladly assist them.  Just thinking out loud and do not have a lottery ticket…..yet.

I know I have ask this question before, remember David Bone, former Elizabethtown City Manager, left in late 2000s for Wendell, NC position, now Martin County Manager.  Saw him recently, one son at NC State and another should get drivers license soon.  If my memory is correct, both boys are Eagle Scouts.  What I remember about the family is, they loved camping out.

Again, a reminder our public schools open for business soon.  Teachers report Monday and students a week later.

Eclipse Monday.

Labor Day is just around the corner, bringing an end to another successful, fun season at White Lake.

Before this time tomorrow (Thursday), if all goes as planned, I will have had a procedure to repair an aneurysm that was discovered 10-12 years ago at a local Lifeline screening.  Annual check-ups of the aneurysm discovered cancer in 2007 (Urachal Carcinoma) that was successfully dealt with, and now the original problem will hopefully be repaired with a ‘stint’.  A $100 investment in early 2000 has proven to be a healthy investment.

Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.  Matt Cameron

Virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude.  Lou Holtz

You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.  Joyce Meyer

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