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Friday, September 1, marks the beginning of National Preparedness Month (NPM) 2017.

This year’s theme is Disasters Don’t Plan Ahead. You Can. In addition to the overarching theme for the month, each week has a theme highlighting different preparedness actions.

The focus for the first week of NPM, September 1-9, is, Make a Plan for Yourself, Family, and Friends. Learn how to plan with the following steps from the Ready Campaign:

*Make an Emergency Plan. For more information, click here.
*Sign up for alerts and warnings in your area.
*Learn your evacuation zone and have an evacuation plan. For more information, click here.
*Check your insurance coverage and review the Document and Insure Your Property guide.
*Plan financially for the possibility of disaster.

National Prepareathon Day, September 15, is the perfect time for families, businesses, and organizations to take a few minutes to discuss their emergency plan. It is a day of action when families, organizations, and entire communities can practice their plan and better prepare for hazards and other emergencies.

If you plan to host a preparedness event, we encourage you to share it on the Prepareathon website. You can find more resources for National Preparedness Month, including the NPM social media toolkit, at www.ready.gov/september.

Important Dates to Remember
*September 1-30: National Preparedness Month
*September 11: 9/11 Day of Service and Remembrance
*September 15: National Prepareathon Day
*September 28 – October 1: 2017 National Emergency Management Association (NEMA) Annual Forum

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