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By: Hailey Smith

Born and raised in Clarkton, NC our very own Bladen native, Kenneth Brown very proudly had his book, “Me, Myself, & Multiple Sclerosis”, published just at the end of last year 2014. Brown was diagnosed with MS ( Multiple Sclerosis) which is a disease where the immune system eats away at the protective covering of nerves. Being diagnosed with this unfortunate disease, Brown had a difficult and hard time with trying to do some of the activities others could do. That’s when he was lead to writing. Brown said “Writing inspired me because it’s something I can do without getting hurt or having to call 911.” 
Kenneth has a son, with which he says “He was my arms, legs, and wheels.” Brown went on to explain how much his son was there for him. In many ways Brown thinks that with him writing this book it has inspired his son to get his degree in journalism and also find a job to go along with that degree. Brown has learned to do what he can, with what he has. He has to modify his life. Mr. Brown said, ” MS has two enemies, Heat and stress.” and he tries to stay way from them both. 
Brown is very excited about everyone taking the time and reading his life story on MS. Brown says “My favorite part of the book is the end because I felt like I have accomplished a mile stone in my life by finishing this book.” Kenneth Brown will be at the Bladen County Division On Aging April 27, 2015 from 11:30 am-6 pm for book signing. Books will be available to purchase that day, just ask Mr. Brown. If you have any questions about this date please contact Senior Center Director Amy Ruffin at 910-862-6930.

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