Thoughts While Shaving
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Today is April 15….Maybe the most unpopular day of the year….Uncle Sam wants to hear from you, if you haven’t filed your federal tax info….

Hope you read our news release related to Kuraray’s logistics center at E-town.  Kuraray recently purchased some of the Dupont product line and by expanding their operation in Bladen County, hopefully they will be able to continue to make investments in the area…They already employee 100 employees at the Fayetteville Works location…Good News…
How about 2 Harnett residents killed by lightning in the past few days?….Don’t know about you, but I am respectful of lightning….Not a brave bone in my body…
Thanks for your continued support for BladenOnline…We are slowly returning to normal….nothing on our end…but a problem somewhere by a nationally known company…It is a terrible experience…We will be good…The Best Is Yet To Come…..I have no doubt…….We don’t just deal in any kind of news….We are all about local news for local folks that is news you can use….and all provided by local, experienced folks….We didn’t just arrive….It all began in 2008….more to come…but, you knew that, you have helped to make us what we are and we appreciate and we never forget…
A reminder about Special Olympics Friday morning at Elizabethtown Middle School and the Bladen We Care Gala Friday evening at The Venue at White Lake…
Spring sports at our schools continues….Check our sports page for schedules…John Clark keeps us up to date….
Friends and family are so very important…
Candidates are lining up for president….We only have about 19 months to listen to what’s wrong and how they will “fix it.”  For many, think they misplace the solutions by the time they get to the office on Pennsylvania Avenue in DC.
We keep hearing about …drilling off coast and fracking…Maybe good, maybe bad, I have no idea…When I see supporters or objectors, I want to see what their financial interest is…Many times there is a relationship…Same is true in many other type decisions…
Men are like bank accounts. Without a lot of money, they don’t generate much interest.
Money can take the sting out of being poor.
In just two days, tomorrow will be yesterday.
robert g hester

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