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Video by Gordon Kinlaw

Article by Erin Smith

Discussions of how to proceed with the selection of Chief Judges, Judges and Poll Workers for the upcoming November election cycle became contentious on Thursday afternoon. The meeting was conducted at the Bladen County Board of Elections office in Elizabethtown.

Under Actions and Plans, the board was presented a proposed list of names for consideration to be appointed as Chief Judges, Judges and Poll Workers from Bladen County Democratic Party Chairman Ben Snyder . Bladen County Board of Elections Director Cynthia Shaw also gave the board the list of judges and poll workers from the Nov. 8, 2016, General Election to review. She presented a list of the municipal workers who assisted with the 2015 municipal election.

“I think you remember in our last conference that we went to; one of the things that was brought out and one of things we have tried to do in the past, is making sure that our Chief Judge was of the party of the seated governor. That is not law,” said Shaw.

Board of Elections member Al Daniels asked whether or not the Bladen County Board of Elections is in compliance with the General Statutes. Daniels wanted to know if the lists presented were in compliance with the law with respect to party affiliations.

Shaw replied, “Yes.”

She explained there are some situations in the county where the number of people to choose from are limited.

“There are rarely acceptable excuses for violating the law. Okay? A violation of the law should be something that is extenuating. If you know you are out of compliance there is an obligation to do whatever it take to come into compliance with the law,” said Daniels.

Daniels said he wanted to know what extent the Board of Elections is out of compliance with the law and what the plans are to come into compliance. He also asked how precinct workers are chosen, how chief judges are chosen, and how judges are chosen, how are they trained and advanced, and are all of our lists of workers, chiefs and others current. Daniels noted he would not approve anyone to work the polls until he knew the extent of the county’s compliance with the General Statutes regarding training.

Shaw said to her knowledge the Bladen County Board of Elections is not out of compliance with the law. She explained further that every two years, the Democratic and Republican chairmen submit a list of names to serve as chief judges, judges and poll workers. They usually select two names for each position, but two names are not a requirement. This year Democratic Chairman Ben Snyder submitted a list of names to be considered by the Board of Elections but Republican Chairman Walter McDuffie did not submit a list.

Shaw said with regards to training, once the board approves the list of poll workers they are sworn in and then go through training. Daniels argued that there are different types of training such as horizontal and vertical or upward training. He wanted to know if the board was in compliance with the General Statutes. Daniels added there needs to be a plan developed to bring the board into compliance.

“This has been delayed for quite some time now because of not having a full board. I have an election to conduct in November and I’ve got to have my people in place. Some of these people that he has submitted could be people we might want to use. Otherwise I’m going to have to fall back on, which the state has told us the ones who have taken an oath in the past for a two year term are still seated until new board members are selected. Whether the new poll workers are selected, I’ve got to have people out there to work my polls” said Shaw.

“I will not approve anybody to work until I know the extent of our compliance,” said Daniels

Shaw explained the board has to approve the names and go through the training process and then contact the people to see if they are going to work. Daniels asked if it is the board’s obligation to choose from the list presented by party chair.

Board member Bobby Ludlum said they can be approved if they meet the statutory requirements. When asked by Snyder what those requirements were, Ludlum said they must be experienced.

Snyder then read the statutory requirements. The person appointed to the office is to be a registered voter and a resident of the county of good repute and able to read and write.

After further discussion, Shaw suggested the board use the 2015 municipal election list and try to get a balance between the parties. With still more discussion, Daniels suggested Shaw and Snyder and Board of Elections staff work together to generate a list.

It was voted on that a combined list of names generated by Snyder and Elections staff to be presented at the next meeting.

In other business:

*The board also was given a copy of the candidates who have filed for election. Tar Heel has one seat which no one filed to seek election. A candidate can run as a write in.

* The board was also updated that East Arcadia and Tar Heel have opted out of One Stop voting. By opting out of One Stop voting, voters must cast their ballots on Election Day in November.

*Shaw also presented an email to the Board from the Federal Elections Integrity Commission. The state of North Carolina has complied with the request.

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