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By Erin Smith

Today marks World Peace Day. It is a day celebrated annually on September 21st specifically to recognize and call for the absence of war and violence. The theme of the 2017 World Peace Day is “Respect, Safety, and Dignity for All.”

One suggestion for honoring the day is to fold origami cranes and sign up on a website to exchange your crane with someone else in another city around the world. To learn more about the Peace Crane Project, go to: https://peacecraneproject.org/.

The first observance of World Peace Day took place in 1982 and it has been observed by many nations around the world on an annual basis. As part of the observance, the bell at the United Nations headquarters in New York is rung to start the day.

In 2001, September 21st, was chosen as the official day to commemorate world peace. Many mark the day through meditation and/or prayer.

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