David Rouser
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Washington, D.C. – Congressman David Rouzer (NC-7) released the following statement today marking his first 100 days in Congress.

“Our office has been working hard to address the needs of the citizens and communities throughout the 7th Congressional District as well as to help make America, once again, be prosperous at home and strong abroad. In the first 100 days we have helped 345 constituents through casework, answered 14,926 letters, scheduled 27 tours, and made more than 69,500 constituent contacts. Constituent service has been and will continue to be a top priority.

“Congress has passed several common-sense, bi-partisan bills like the Keystone Pipeline and the Hire More Heroes Act aimed at creating more jobs. Additionally, we made significant progress for our doctors and hospitals by making permanent a new formula for their payments under Medicare. This marked the first meaningful reform of the program in 20 years. This new law provides certainty for our doctors and will result in greater access to quality care for senior citizens on Medicare. The House also passed a conservative budget that balances in 10 years, cuts current spending by $5.5 trillion, and keeps our national security a priority.

“We will continue to fight for a conservative agenda focused on growing an opportunity economy from the ground up to help get people back to work, lower costs at home, and restore opportunity for everyone.”

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