Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

Christmas is just 18 days away!

Busy, busy time of the year.

Shopping to be done, then wrapping.

Time to get Christmas cards addressed and in the mail.

Church choirs busy practicing their Cantata.

Plans for Christmas Day nearing completion.

Look around, lot’s of hurt.  You can help make this a M-E-R-R-Y Christmas for someone.

Seems the end of December Is a popular time for retirements…maybe yours?

Preparations for colder weather should be complete.

Property taxes will be past due in about a month and a penalty added.

Begin to think ahead, gather info related to filing your state and federal taxes.

Filing for numerous political offices begins early 2018.

Just thinking about some of the things upcoming over the next few days and weeks.

How about cleaning out your closet?  Bet you have clothing that hasn’t been worn in years.  Someone can use it, someone who is strugglin’.  I have a suggestion for men’s clothing.  Load them up and head to Southeastern Carolina Crossroads, 1086 Susie Sand Hill Road, Elizabethtown (in the state forest area) or drop them off at Bladen Baptist office in E-town, near the hospital.  Crossroads phone numbers are 910-549-8487, or 910-588-4345.  Yes, they can always use cash.  They have 15 to 20 (?) short-term residents all the time and they welcome visitors.  Maybe call ahead. Paper products are always needed.  Some participants come with pretty much all they need, some come with all their belongs in a small paper or plastic bag.

I know, all over the board today, ‘shootin’ from the hip….typical for mid to late December, every year.  Bet you could add to the list, so could I.

As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.  Audrey Hapburn

It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.  Napoleon Hill

Anybody who succeeds is helping people.  The secret to success is find a need and fill it; find a hurt and heal it; find a problem and solve it.   Robert H. Schuller

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