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RALEIGH– Eleven days ago we delivered letters to the leaders of the three independent branches of the government of North Carolina. Yesterday Chief Justice Mark Martin responded to our request for a meeting with him to discuss how the NC NAACP can work with the Judiciary Branch in reforming the criminal justice system and other issues we have in common.

This morning Gov. Roy Cooper’s office also responded. As the leader of the Executive Branch, he has agreed to meet with the NC NAACP to discuss criminal justice reform and other issues the NC NAACP is concerned about.

The N.C. Constitution provides these three co-equal branches of our Government shall operate independently, providing a system of checks and balances on each other that enhances the ability of our democracy to flourish, even in turbulent periods of change we sometimes experience as we work to create a “more perfect union” since North Carolina was founded, half slave and half-free in 1789. These meetings will help my new leadership team get its bearings since my October election as President of the NC NAACP, and help us make plans to move North Carolina forward together toward the 109 year old purpose of the NAACP—to eliminate racial discrimination and prejudice from our society.

We are delighted the leaders of two branches of the government have accepted our request for a meeting. We will keep the public informed about these historic meetings. In the spirit of the season, we trust we will be hearing from the legislative branch soon.

Rev. Dr. T. Anthony Spearman, President, NC NAACP

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