Spread the love

By Erin Smith

Judge Ola Lewis greets members of the public during recent Brunswick County Opioid Task Force meeting.

One well respected Judge has been absent from her duties in recent weeks. Judge Ola Lewis, Resident Senior Superior Court Judge for Brunswick County, has announced she is battling liver cancer.

A fundraiser has been planned to help assist Judge Lewis with expenses while she is undergoing treatment at the Mayo Clinic. The fundraiser will take place at Oliver’s on the Cape Fear in Southport on Wednesday, December 27th, at 7 p.m. For more information regarding the fundraiser, you may call 910-620-9892.

In a statement released by Judge Lewis, she said, “I arrived in Rochester, Minnesota on November 13, 2017, with the diagnosis of a rare liver cancer.  Upon consultation with my doctors, my husband, Reggie, and I decided the best course of action for my health and well-being is to remain in Rochester for the duration of my treatment.  The treatment is expected to last six months.”

She continues, “Of course I miss my family, my friends and the community I so love!  I sincerely appreciate the outpouring of prayers and well wishes.  I walk this walk like every other in my life….with my hand in the Hand of the Man who calms the waters.

Please know I am firm in my faith, trusting God at every turn.  My spirit is bright and upbeat and I look forward to returning home wiser, healthier and full of energy ready to serve.

By His Grace I am #OlaStrong”

Judge Lewis has also been very active in organizing the Brunswick County Opioid Task Force and has offered her expertise and experience in assisting other counties in their efforts to battle the epidemic. She has visited the Bladen County Opioid Task Force meetings on several occasions sharing her own experiences from Brunswick County.

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