Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingWeather has become a topic of discussion, again.  Cold, cloudy day yesterday.  Today, more sunshine, more wind, and temps in the upper 50s in the afternoon.

We measured about an inch of rain, since Sunday at the Hester household.  More is needed as planting times draws near.

Long range forecast for Easter Sunday, about 10 days away, is high temps in the upper 60s, very little chance of rain, windy with gust in the 30 mph range.  Not sure how much confidence I have in a forecast 10 days from now.

Check BladenOnline for events in the area.  One that usually draws a crowd is Politicians Appreciation Day, this Saturday, beginning at 5:30 PM at Lu Mill in Dublin.  No charge.  An opportunity to meet many local & regional candidates for the May Primary and General Election in November.

Mr. Billy Haire, long time educator, including time as Bladen County School Superintendent, passed away yesterday (Wednesday).  He led the school system when there were about 8,000 students attending public schools, that number is now about 4,000. Check his Obit on Bladen Gaskins website on BladenOnline.

During bad weather, Mr. Haire rose early and check Bladen roads before making a decision on whether it was school as usual, delay or no school.  I worked early morning shift at WBLA in those days.  There were no cell phones.  Anxious parents were calling the station, wanting to know the status of school for the day, and I was waiting for news from Mr. Billy, who was who-knows-where, riding Bladen roads, attempting to determine if they were safe or not, before making a decision.  Mr. Haire was a good man and a good public servant.

More smart one-liners from Penny Johnson, a Bladen County native and Wake County transplant:

The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV was Fred and Wilma Flintstone.

Men can read smaller print than women can, but women can hear better.

It is impossible to lick your elbow.

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