David Rouser
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The Southeastern Economic Development Commission (SEDC) held it’s 47th Annual Meeting Monday at Lu Mil Vineyard in Dublin.

The Keynote Speaker was Seventh District Congressman David Rouzer of Johnston County. He was introduced by Interim SEDC Chairman Gary Lanier of Columbus County.

Rouzer has an impressive background in the private sector and in the political arena having served as a staff person for Sen. Jesse Helms (NC). He also worked closely with Sen. Elizabeth Dole and two terms as a NC Senator.

He urged the local EDC groups to work as partners to leverage EDC funds. Rouzer said he worked with USDA for several years to fund numerous “fire stations and other local facilities.”

Rep. Rouzer said the latest freshman class in the US House and Senate was a “stellar class.” The US House and Senate have “reported out” a budget by the end of March, the first time that has happened since 1973. The two bodies are currently in conference to finalize a budget.

He told those attending that 60% of the budget was consumed by interest on the $18 billion debt, medicare and social security.

Social security has leveled off, he said, but the cost of medicare is going straight up.

He noted that in the US House, legislation was passed by a simple majority, however, Senate rules require a 3/5 majority to pass a law and according to the Congressman, “that rule has served the country well.”

He said, “in the late 1990’s Sen. Helms stopped a lot of bad stuff by using the rules.”

Rouzer was able to secure seats on his two most desired committees. That is unusual, according to the Congressman. One being on the Ag Committee and the other being on the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee. Usually a new House member is fortunate to get one of their requested positions. And, Rouzer is Chairman of one sub-committee, maybe the first time ever, according to him.

He painted a bright picture for days ahead. “We (NC) have tremendous potential in the energy sector.” He praised the Community College system and the UNC system.

He promised to work with local groups and reminded those in attendance, his office visits every county in his district on a monthly basis.

The meeting opened with a welcome by Pamela H. Bostic, followed by lunch and a presentation by Chuck Heustess, Bladen County EDC Director and Bladen’s Bloomin’-Agri-Industrial, Inc.

He shared how Bladen County had enjoyed success over the past few years through the cooperation of the Bladen County Board of Commissioners and a not for profit group, Bladen Agri-Industrial, Inc.

Over the past 13 years, the local organization has renovated or built 15 buildings, including an incubator network that allows a new industry to begin small, yet have room for expansion if and when it is needed.

He mentioned several groups that have benefited from the plan, most notably Del Ton, a gun manufacturer that has expanded several times and is planning for another. They currently employ about 37 workers and will hopefully soon expand to near 50 good paying jobs in the Elizabethtown Industrial Park.

Heustess said an incubator system is planned for the Bladenboro Industrial Park.

New officers were elected. Gary Lanier, of Columbus County was elected Chairman. Chuck Heustess of Bladen is Vice Chair and Randall Johnson of New Hanover County is the new Secretary-Treasurer.

SEDC serves 12 counties from Richmond to Brunswick and Columbus to Harnett. The SEDC office is located in Elizabethtown.

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