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Thoughts While ShavingHappy Easter Sunday to all.

NCAA Semi-Finals:
Michigan 69, Loyola IL 57
Villanova 95, Kansas 79

Monday night’s NCAA Men’s Championship basketball game: Michigan vs Villanova

Remember this is also April Fool’s Day.

Congratulations to Bladen County native Mac Warner, retired recently after 30 years of service as a SBI agent.

Can you imagine waking up and realize you have an extra $350 million you had not budgeted for. The latest Mega Million winner purchased the ticket in New Jersey. For the losers, just another day….

Rose early this AM to assist a group of men that I attend church with in preparing and serving breakfast for 40 to 50 braves souls who attended sunrise service, on a cold morning. A good way to begin Easter Sunday.

Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there. Clarence W. Hall

The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances. Robert Flatt

Easter spell out beauty, the rare beauty of new life. S.D. Gordon

robert g hester

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