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This Day In History1798 – Mississippi Territory organized.

1827 – English chemist John Walker invents wooden matches.

1891 – Nebraska introduces 8 hour work day.

1902 – Texas Oil company (Texaco) forms.

1922 – Warren G. Harding’s Interior Secretary, Albert B. Fall, leases the Teapot Dome oil reserves to Harry Sinclair, setting in motion the Teapot Dome scandals.

1923 – 1st brain tumor operation under local anesthetic performed (Beth Israel Hospital in NYC) by Dr. K Winfield Ney.

1927 – Using phone lines TV is sent from Washington, D.C. to NYC.

1940 – 7th Masters Golf Tournament: Jimmy Demaret wins, shooting a 280.

1943 – NFL adopts free substitution rule.

1945 – US planes intercept Japanese fleet heading to Okinawa on a suicide super battleship Yamato & four destroyers were sunk.

1949 – “South Pacific” opens at Majestic Theater NYC for 1928 performances.

1954 – US President Dwight D. Eisenhower in news conference is first to voice fear of a “domino-effect” of communism in Indo-China.

1963 – 27th Masters Golf Tournament: Jack Nicklaus wins, shooting a 286.

1964 – IBM announces the System/360.

1969 – The Internet’s symbolic birth date: publication of RFC 1.

1980 – Jimmy Carter breaks relations with Iran during hostage crisis.

1990 – Farm Aid IV concert.

1999 – The World Trade Organization rules in favor of the United States in its long-running trade dispute with the European Union over bananas.

2003 – U.S. troops capture Baghdad; Saddam Hussein’s regime falls two days later.

2017 – US President Donald Trump orders missile strike on Syrian airfield after chemical weapons attack on Khan Sheikhoun.

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