Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingSpent yesterday, listening to folks sharing thoughts on Mapping, Spectrum, Infrastructure, Cyber Security and Universal Service funding.  Interesting topics by mostly staffers representing elected officials and some who staff various committees of the House of Representatives and the Senate, and listen to a FCC Commissioner, plus comments from Kenneth Johnson, Administrator, of Rural Utilities Service (RUS).  It was his first day on the job.

No conversation related to politics, understandably so from staffers, and very little from the attendees at the workshop.  Attendees come from virtually every state in the nation from Alaska to Florida.

I did not drive, 4 shared a ride for convenience.  Good decision, there is one option for parking, onsite, $62 a day.

Today, will be visiting our elected Representatives, Congressman Rouzar and hopefully Pittinger (request for visit not yet confirmed) and Rep. Walter Jones.  In fact, visits to all elected officials are subject to their availability, if not the congressman, a member of their staff.  Looking forward to the Jones visit where E-town native Bryan Martin is a staffer.

Space makes it nearly impossible to accommodate those who will attempt to squeeze into the offices of our two NC senators, Burr and Tillis.  Offices accommodate, maybe 10 to 15.

Best part of the trip is Wednesday, bright and early, head home.

The conference is an annual event sponsored by NTCA, National Telephone Cooperation Association.

Spring is the time for plans and projects.  Leo Tolstoy

What a strange thing! to be alive beneath cherry blossoms.  Kobayashi Issa

In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.  Margaret Atwood

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