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By Erin Smith

Thursday is designated as the National Day of Prayer and events marking the occasion are planned for Bladenboro. 

Rev. Warren Hill said the National Day of Prayer Service in Bladenboro will take place at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Bladenboro Historical Society Building. The building is located at 818 South Main Street in Bladenboro.

This year’s National Day of Prayer theme is Unity. The Bible verse for this year’s event is Ephesians 4:3 which reads, “Making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

The National Day of Prayer was begun in 1952 with a Congressional resolution and was signed by President Harry S. truman. The law was amended in 1988 to proclaim the first Thursday in May as the official National Day of Prayer. The amended law was signed by President Ronald Reagan. 

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