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Kirby van 1On Tuesday, March 17th we reported a Kirby van in Bladen County with about four or five representatives were knocking on doors after 9 pm and acting suspicious. The phone number listed on the Kirby van went to the Kirby of Wilmington business. Since our article was published we have received more phone calls from Bladen County citizens and surrounding counties’ residents with concerns about the Kirby van representatives acting suspicious.

According to the owner of the Kirby of Wilmington, Oliver Morant, all the Kirby representatives have been pulled from Bladen County since the incident that happened in the Clarkton neighborhood. We have received reports the Kirby dealers have been sited in Bladen County since March. We received a phone call from Mrs. Rosa White today stating a Kirby Van was back in the same Clarkton neighborhood.

In March, Charlotte Smith said, “There was a man standing outside looking in my house at all I had in my home. I went out to see what he wanted and he handed me a sales post card about vacuums. It was almost 9 o’ clock at night. I told the man to leave and then followed him out.”

According to Smith when she followed the man outside, there were four or five other people in the van with him. There was a female driving and the rest were male. The van was hunter green/ blue with Kirby and 772-1344 written in white vinyl letters on the side back window. Smith said she received a phone call from her neighbor stating the same representatives went knocking on her door after 9 pm.

When reported to the law enforcement in March, the officer verified that complaints of this nature have been reported recently according to Smith. The officer said they are working with local government leaders to change our ordinances, so that law enforcement will have the authority to give out citations to these folks.

After contacting the Kirby of Wilmington office, Smith filed a complaint with the North Carolina General Attorney. The owner of Kirby of Wilmington, Oliver Morant wrote a response back stating his representatives in the area were in Bladenboro at 8:05 pm on the evening of March 17 and did not knock on any other doors after they left that location.

Smith, a Clarkton resident, said the Kirby van representatives were knocking on her door between 8:30 and 9 pm. Clarkton is an estimated 15 minutes from Bladenboro in Bladen County.  Morant also said, “We have pulled all our dealers as well as team leaders team leaders from that area and county completely. “ This leaves us to question, who are these people driving Kirby vans still in Bladen County and what are they doing?

If you have concerns about suspicious activity in your area, collect as much information about the incident as possible, contact local law enforcement, and then file a reports with The Kirby Company’s corporate office at 800-494-8586 and the North Carolina Attorney General, Department of Justice, at 9001 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-9001.

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