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1752—Benjamin Franklin tests the lightning conductor with his
kite-flying experiment.

1755—2nd Continental Congress convenes in Pennsylvania issues paper
currency for 1st time.

1797—1st US Navy ship, the “United States,” is launched.

1823—1st steamship to navigate the Mississippi River arrives at Ft. Snelling.

1837—Panic of 1837; New York City banks fail, and unemployment
reaches record levels.

1864—Battles at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia.

1865—Jefferson Davis captured at Irwinsville, Georgia.

1872—Victoria Woodhull becomes 1st woman nominated for US presidency
by Equal Rights Party at Apollo Hall, NYC.

1908—1st Mother’s Day observed (Philadelphia)

1924—J. Edgar Hoover appointed head of FBI.

1930—1st US planetarium opens (Adler-Chicago)

1940—Winston Churchill succeeds Neville Chamberlain as British Prime Minister.

1959—Soviet forces arrive in Afghanistan.

1970—Brave’s Hoyt Wilhelm pitches in his1,000th game, loses to Cards 6-5.

1971—US special delivery rates go from 45 cents to 60 cents.

1983—“Laverne & Shirley” last airs on ABC-TV.

1994—Barbara Striesand begins 1st concert tour in 30 years.

2012—The Red Cross suspends all humanitarian work in Pakistan after
a worker was kidnapped and killed.

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