Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingThe 2017-18 school year is coming to a close.  Graduation day is fast approaching for seniors….excited youngsters can’t wait to begin the summer season.

Baseball and softball, vacation, some time with grand moms and dads.  Vacation Bible School, various camps, much to look forward to, perfectly normal.

I recall those days, a long time ago as a members of the Bladenboro Bulldogs class of ’56.  Can’t remember the exact number that graduated, somewhere between 56 and 62, I think..

Some attended college for 4 years, some more.  Some attended various types of business schools, and for others, it was time to get a job and go to work.  There were no community colleges in the mid 50s.

Members of the class of ’56 were ready for a change, we thought.  We all went our separate ways, some seldom seen, others occasionally, but many have met every 5 years for a reunion.  And our reunions have been well attended.  The numbers are less now than in early years, but still a fairly active group for 80 year olds.

From time to time, enjoy spending some time reminiscing about the core group that began the first grade, (no kindergarten then), .and changed little over the years.  A few new faces, some departed at various times, but for the most part, we spent 12 years together.

Still enjoy scrolling though the old yearbooks, and wonder where they are now.  Best I can tell, about half of the class of ’56 are still aging, others were not as blessed.

Get the picture???

Hope the class of 2018 has as many good memories as I have, 62 years after graduation, when they look back….in 2080.

The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values.  William S. Burroughs

God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas, but for scars. Elbert Hubbard

Remember, half the doctors in this country graduated in the bottom half of their class.  Al McGuire

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