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FEMA Releases Guide to Engaging Faith-Based and Community Organizations: Planning Considerations for Emergency Managers

FEMA released the guide on Engaging Faith-based and Community Organizations: Planning Considerations for Emergency Managers. Faith-based and community organizations offer a wide variety of human and material resources that can prove invaluable during and after an incident.

This guide provides a methodology for emergency managers to engage with faith-based and community organizations in enhancing the resiliency of our nation. By identifying, engaging, and building partnerships with these groups, particularly those in racially, ethnically, economically, and religiously diverse communities, emergency managers can provide training and technical assistance to strengthen their skills, connect them with existing partners, and then integrate them into emergency management plans and exercises before an event occurs thus increasing response and recovery capability.

This document also provides lists of resources available to help build relationships between emergency management and faith-based and community organizations.

To download a copy of Engaging Faith-based and Community Organizations: Planning Considerations for Emergency Managers, visit https://www.fema.gov/plan.

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