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Happy Vapors & Tobacco

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Local business is important to our economy and the people at Happy Vapors & Tobacco understand the impact of offering local products. Owner, Mike Algozy, of Happy Vapors & Tobacco says, “Most of our liquids are made in North Carolina.”

Cigarettes are a global business that generates more than half a trillion dollars every year, according to data from Euromonitor International. Now, the E-cigarettes are impacting our local economy. Happy Vapors & Tobacco has one of the largest selections of the e-cigarettes and liquids in Bladen County and is proud to be promoting the local economy. “I love doing business with local people.” Algozy said.

An e-cigarette is a cartridge filled with a nicotine solution and is battery powered by a coil that heats the solution into a vapor. The E-cigarettes have been a tool used to help smokers quit the traditional tobacco smoking habit. The effects of inhaling nicotine vapor are not totally understood, but there is no evidence to date the vapors cause cancer. Because vapors allow for a cleaner smoking sensation without known risks of it causing cancer, E-cigarettes have become an attractive alternative for smokers.

Mo Moustatfa, from Happy Vapors, reported many Bladen County residents quitting the traditional tobacco cigarettes and using their products for their nicotine needs. “They feel better when they switch.” Mo said referring to his customers switching from tobacco to e-cigarettes. For more information about the liquids, vapors and E-cigarettes visit Happy Vapors & Tobacco at 1107 C. West Broad Street in Elizabethtown, or call them at 910-862-2228.



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