Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingA note from Dawn Maynard, Elizabethtown-White Lake Chamber of Commerce, reminding members it’s time to pay dues.  And, the annual fireworks show is set for ‘dark thirty’ July 4th (a week from today) at White Lake.  Sponsors are still welcome and needed.

Vacation Bible School is set for numerous churches, countywide.  Fun for parents and students.  Check with your church office, newsletter or bulletin for details.

Elizabethtown Presbyterian Pastor, Rev. David Holloway, is sponsoring Summer Sports Camp, two separate camps, the first is the week of July 9-13 and the second is August 6-10, both at the church.  It is for children grades K through 6th grade. Includes Arts & Crafts, Bowling, Basketball, Hiking, Music, Skating, Soccer, Story Telling, Swimming and more.  The cost is $35 per student.  Call 910-862-3736 or email ellizabethtownpc@gmail.com. for more information.

Caution, there are still bad actors on social media.  It is so easy to forward something, usually something we agree with, without checking to see if there is a ‘grain of truth’ to the post or not.  Please check with Snopes or FactCheck or some other service that helps to determine what is ‘crap’ and what is truthful.  Bad actors are operating at full capacity.

Rainfall has been frequent recently in most of Bladen, varies greatly of course.  Another nearly 1/2 inch fell yesterday at the Curtis Brown Airport near Elizabethtown.

Temps should be back in the 90 degree range today, light wind and a 20% chance of rain.

A reminder of the Committee of 100 Annual Meeting tonight at Cape Fear Vineyard.  Cost is $100 for every attendee, add $15 for spouse or friend.  Call Linda Clark at 910-645-2292 for details.

I believe that every human mind feels pleasure in going good to another.  Thomas Jefferson

Immortality is to live your life doing good things, and leaving your mark behind.  Brandon Lee

Doing well is the result of doing good.  That’s what capitalism is all about.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

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