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SALISBURY – The Piedmont Research Station in Salisbury will host Pollinator Field Day on Saturday, September 8, from 1 to 5 p.m.

“Because pollinators play such a vital role in crop production, it is important to protect and promote their health,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “This field day is designed to help farmers, beekeepers, urban planners, landscapers and landscape architects, master gardeners, greenhouse growers and others learn more about these valued ag “workers” and how to create habitat for them.”

Attendees will learn about habitat for farms, roadsides or constructed pollinator meadows; plants that make for good pollinator habitat; native bees, butterflies and beneficial insects; honeybees and beekeeping; pesticide application techniques to protect pollinators; and how to use available technology to map honeybee and specialty crop locations.

The event is free and offers three hours of pesticide credits for attendees. To register, go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pollinator-field-day-tickets-48462498638

For more information contact Kelly Snider, NCDA&CS Research Stations, at 704-433-3053 or email at Kelly.snider@ncagr.gov; or Debbie Hamrick, N.C. Farm Bureau Federation, 919-302-9538 or Debbie.hamrick@ncfb.org.

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