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The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, U.S. Food and Drug Administration and North Carolina Farm Bureau will kick off a two-day On Farm Readiness Review demonstration. The program is geared to assess farmers’ readiness to comply with the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. Part of this act, the Produce Safety Rule, went into effect this year for larger farms. This represents the most sweeping regulatory changes in more than 70 years and the first time inspectors will be proactively inspecting produce at the farm level.

Speakers include Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler, N.C. Farm Bureau President Larry Wooten, Dr. Rich Bonanno, associate dean and director of state extension, College of Agriculture, N.C. State University, Dr. Stephen Ostroff, deputy commissioner, FDA and NASDA CEO Barb Glenn.

Tuesday Aug. 14, 2 p.m.
Wednesday, Aug. 15, 10 a.m.

Tuesday, Aug. 14: Events will be held at N.C. Farm Bureau Federation Headquarters in Raleigh at 5301 Glenwood Ave.

Wednesday, Aug. 15: An on-farm readiness review demonstration will be held on location at Jackson Farming Company,3171 Ernest Williams Road, Autryville (Sampson County).

Tuesday will provide an opportunity to hear about the new requirements. Wednesday will provide media an opportunity to see first-hand some of the changes FSMA will bring about. Please contact Andrea Ashby, 919-218-7048, if interested in attending the farm visit.

The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act represents significant and historic change in food regulation and addresses every aspect of food production from farm to fork. The Produce Safety Rule establishes standards for the safe growing, harvesting, packing and holding of produce on domestic and foreign farms. The rule establishes standards in the following areas: agricultural water; biological soil amendments of animal origin; domesticated and wild animals; equipment, tools and buildings sanitation; worker health and hygiene; and growing, harvesting, packing and holding activities.

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