Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

The Summer Concert series is over for summer 2018, a huge success and thanks to all who made it happen.

High school sports activities move ‘front and center’.  tonight varsity football, South Brunswick at West Bladen and the Clinton Darkhorses at East Bladen, a half century or more rivalry continues.  Game time is 7:30 PM for both….and the weather should not be an issue….high today (Friday) in the mid 80s with clear skies.  Tonight, mostly clear and lows around 64.  No excuses please.

Bladen County High School students have another option, Bladen County Early College, a new joint effort by Bladen County schools and Bladen Community College.  See article on News page.

Interesting article in latest edition of Our State magazine.  An insert has ‘In Search of Methuselah’ about the oldest tree in North Carolina that grows deep within Three Sisters swamp in eastern Bladen County in the Black River area.  T. Edward Nickens is the author, launched his canoe at Beatty’s Bridge Landing and paddled, eventually locating the tree.  Good reading.

Occasionally, my good friend and philosopher, Mr. David Shaw and I spend some time just circulating in the area.  Yesterday, it included a trip to Fair Bluff and Tabor City.  Hurricane Mathew damage in Fair Bluff left the town in shambles, and a year or so later, recovery continues to be a slow process and the NC prison facility in Tabor City is huge.  Entered the gate and traveled to the sign that warned about searches for individuals and vehicles. Neither cared to proceed…Many important topics were discussed, some disposed of, along the way.

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.  John Muir

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.  Alfred Lord Tennyson

robert g hester

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