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This Day In History1748 – The first Lutheran denomination in North America, the Pennsylvania Ministerium, is founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

1791 – John Fitch granted US patent for his working steamboat.

1843 – Charles Thurber patents a typewriter.

1846 – W A Bartlett appointed 1st US mayor of Yerba Buena (San Francisco)

1858 – First news dispatch by telegraph.

1895 – Electric generator at Niagara Falls produces first power.

1907 – Harry Houdini escapes from chains underwater at Aquatic Park in 57 seconds.

1918 – W Smith & F Bacon’s “Lightnin'” premieres in NYC.

1930 – Hack Wilson hit his 44th HR, breaks Chuck Klein’s NL record.

1945 – Japanese diplomats board USS Missouri to receive instructions on Japan’s surrender at the end of WWII.

1952 – Fluoridation of San Francisco water begins.

1959 – British Motor Corporation introduced the Morris Mini-Minor, designed by Alec Issigonis. It was only 10ft long but seated 4 passengers.

1964 – LBJ nominated at Democratic convention in Atlantic City, NJ.

1971 – NY Giants football team announces they’re leaving Bronx for NJ in 1975.

1980 – John Birges plants a bomb at Harvey’s Resort Hotel in Stateline, Nevada.

1996 – US President Bill Clinton signs welfare reform into law, representing major shift in welfare policy.

2003 – The Columbia Accident Investigation Board releases its final reports on Space Shuttle Columbia disaster.

2011 – The 787 Dreamliner, Boeing’s all-new composite airliner, receives certification from the EASA and the FAA.

2015 – WDBJ TV reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward are fatally shot live on TV by an ex-colleague in Moneta, Virginia.

2017 – Hurricane Harvey downgraded to a tropical storm, National Hurricane Center warns of “multiday rainfall disaster”

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