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This Day In History1643—Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, Connecticut & New Harbor form United Colonies of New England.
1749—George II grants charter to Ohio Company to settle Ohio Valley.
1796—Game protection law restricts encroachment on Indian hunting grounds.
1848—1st department store opens.
1848—Mexico gives Texas to US, ending the war.
1857—William Francis Channing & Moses G. Farmer patents electric fire alarm.
1862—US Homestead Act becomes law-provides cheap land for settlement of American West.
1884—-Ringling Brothers circus premieres.
1891—Rice Institute, which becomes Rice University, is chartered.
1898—Post Office authorizes use of postcards.
1912—American League President Johnson tells Tigers if they continue protest of Ty Cobb’s suspension, they will be banned from baseball.
1935—NFL adopts an annual college draft to begin in 1936.
1943—Churchill pledges Britain’s full support to US against Japan.
1959—The USS Triton, the first submarine with two nuclear reactors, is completed.
1964—US diplomats find at least 40 secret microphones in Moscow embassy.
1976—Senate establishes permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
1987—1st American Comedy Award.
1992—27th Amendment ratified, prohibits Congress from raising its salary.
2013—21st Billboard Music Awards: Taylor Swift, Red win.

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