Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingRemember when I was a first grader. We were required to take a nap, or at least be quiet so others could, on an oily floor covered with a newspaper.  The longest 30 minutes or hour of the day…

Now, an occasional nap after lunch sounds like a good idea, seldom happens.

Our system of government is more divisive than ever, best I can tell…The party in power attempts to steamroll the minority and seldom mentions a run-away US debt.  Change parties in power and the roles reverse….

Why should I believe the polls that indicate the current minority will become the new majority in Congress after the November elections.  Same polls that failed to correctly predict the presidential winner in the last election.

Just thinking out loud…..

Sports fans will likely remember Mike Hobgood.  Often he was on the sidelines in ACC football games, could be in the booth at times as well as in ACC basketball games.  He was also sportscaster on a TV station in the Greensboro area.  He retired in 2013, after 26 years in the business and according to numerous sources, died recently, much too soon.

Last night, NFL action, Eagles 18 -Falcons 12.  Tonight High School football action moves to center stage…..check our Sports page for the complete line-up.

Never underestimate the heart of a champion.   Rudy Tomjanovich

It takes effort to win a game, but it takes courage to change the game.  Michael Jordan

Don’t stop when your are tired.  Stop when you are done!

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