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Each day, 43 families in the United States will hear the dreaded news that their child has cancer. Some Bladen County residents are well aware of childhood cancer and the effects it has on children. 

Cancer is the number one disease killing children from age six months to young adulthood. It is the leading cause of non-accidental death in children according to research. Childhood cancer occurs regularly, randomly and spares no ethnic group, socioeconomic class or geographic region.

There are many ways you can help raise awareness for Childhood Cancer. Kids Cancer Care has the following four tips on how to show your support for Childhood cancer.

1. Show children affected by cancer and their families that they’re not alone in this battle.

2. Become familiar with childhood cancer: the signs and stats, and of the many resources available.

3. Show kids with cancer that they are not alone and do something brave and bold! Shave Your Lid for a Kid and join the growing movement of everyday heroes standing in solidarity with the kids who need it the most!

4. From bike-a-thons to golf tournaments and everything in between, hosting a fundraiser is a great way to raise awareness, while also raising vital funds for our programs! Let your friends, coworkers and community know that you’re hosting a fundraiser and get them involved!

There is a fundraiser today, September 8th starting at 1 pm for Ayven’s Sunny Place. Ayven is a Bladen County child who has suffered the effects of cancer. Ayven and his family started Ayven’s Sunny Place to inspire hope for families with children with cancer and other illnesses. Find out more at https://ayvenssunnyplace.org/. Get involved and become more aware of Childhood Cancer.


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