Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

Hurricane Florence has come and gone and caused great pain for many….in fact, the past week has been horrible for many and for others, blessed, spared.  Most are dealing with some issues.

Folks in Kelly and the surrounding communities continue to suffer.  Dikes that have served the community well since the 40s have had some issues and water has caused tremendous damage.  Homes, businesses, churches, utilities, roadways, damaged or destroyed.  Residents have been  evacuated, and now want to know if their homes are damaged, and if yes, to what degree.  Emergency personnel on duty for hour after hour and day after day, hopeful that the situation will begin to improve soon.

In Bladenboro, merchants are dealing with water issues.  In 2 short years, hundred year floods have caused them to rethink if they should go back into facilities that have been their place of business for 10, 25, 30 years and more.  Bladenboro City Council is holding a Special Session Monday to discuss what can be done to assist and Boost the ‘Boro supporters will hold a meeting Tuesday evening to discuss the same topic.

The roadway system that has served the area well for a lifetime for many is now severely damaged, in need of repair.

So what’s next?  It’s time to determine what needs to be repaired and what needs to be re-thought.  Changes that will support, but not totally damage our way of life. if possible.

Easy for me to say.  I live in one of the areas where the least damage has occurred.  We were without utilities for a day or so before being fully restored.  The difference being some areas were more severely damaged than others, some could be rebuilt or repaired more quickly and were.

So much of what happens over coming days depend on roadways, utilities, schools must be re-opened, but to do so roads must be passable.  It’s a complicated situation and as a has-been, I like the attitude of those in charge, Emergency personnel, utility workers, volunteers from far and wide doing all in their power to assist.  Volunteers feeding those who cannot feed themselves.  Will take time, but this to will pass, as it has in the past.

Today is Sunday, time for a break, to re-assess our personal situation and those around us and pray for guidance.

For Wesley’s Chapel UMC church family, it’s homecoming, no meal, apparently to many issues.  Rev. Donald Daniel, who grow up attending there will be our guest speaker.  He is currently pastoring a UMC in the Roxboro, NC area.  All are welcome.

With the new day comes  new strength and new thoughts.  Eleanor Roosevelt

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.  Charles R. Swindell

The past cannot be changed.  The future is yet in your power.  Unknown

robert g hester



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