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Raleigh, NC — Judge Kavanaugh was confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court by the U.S. Senate this afternoon with a 50-48 vote. Chairman Hayes released the following statement:

“First of all, I’d like to congratulate Judge-now-Justice Kavanaugh on his confirmation to the United States Supreme Court,” stated Hayes. “He is an extraordinarily qualified judge with a fair and impartial judicial record. I firmly believe he will be an exceptional Justice that will uphold the Constitution and will not legislate from the bench.

“Second, the conduct of Senate Democrats has been shameful,” continued Hayes. “Senate Democrats pushed vicious smears and uncorroborated allegations as fact. Some members of the press reported them without question as others openly cheered for a particular side during testimony. Senate Democrats repeatedly moved the goalposts. Their spectacle was never about finding the truth. The conduct of Senate Democrats ruined the lives of not just the Kavanaughs, but Dr. Ford and her family as well. They have made it more difficult for sexual assault victims to come forward and in doing so have angered voters. They will pay the price in November.”

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