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This Day In History1780 – Royalton, Vermont and Turnbridge, Vermont last major raid of the American Revolutionary War.

1829 – Tremont Hotel, 1st US modern hotel opens (Boston)

1848 – 1st US homeopathic medical college opens in Pennsylvania.

1869 – Hotel in Boston becomes 1st to have indoor plumbing.

1875 – Brigham Young University is founded in Provo, Utah.

1907 – Belasco Theater opens at 111 W 44th St NYC.

1916 – Margaret Sanger opens 1st birth control clinic in the US at 46 Amboy St, Brooklyn.

1940 – Benjamin Oliver Davis Sr. is promoted to brigadier general, the first African-American person to become a general in the US military.

1943 – Chicago Mayor Ed Kelly opens city’s new subway system.

1952 – Woolworth’s at Powell & Market (San Francisco) opens.

1960 – NL votes to admit Houston & NY to league.

1962 – Cuban missile crisis begins as JFK is shown photos confirming the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba.

1973 – The Gulf Six (Iran, Iraq, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar) unilaterally raise the posted price of Saudi Light marker crude-oil by 17 percent.

1982 – Shultz warns US will withdraw from UN if they vote to exclude Israel.

1985 – Intel introduces 32-bit 80386 microcomputer chip.

1986 – US government shuts down due to disputes between Ronald Reagan and the House.

1990 – US forces reach 200,000 in Persian Gulf.

1995 – Million Man March held in Washington, D.C. (over 830,000 African American men attend)

2001 – The US Coast Guard lifts a ban on liquefied natural gas (LNG) tankers entering Boston Harbor to make deliveries to Distrigas’ Everett LNG terminal that had been imposed on September 26 in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11.

2013 – The United States ends its16-day government shut down and avoids default in a Bi-partisan deal in the Senate.

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