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By Erin Smith

Some gave all and all gave some. That was the theme for the message of the Veterans Day Program held at Bladen Community College on Thursday morning.

Dr. William Findt, President of Bladen Community College (BCC), welcomed those in attendance.

Tina Mundy, Director of Human Resources at Bladen Community College (BCC) introduced the keynote speaker, US Army Retired Sgt. First Class, Leroy Atkins. He currently serves as a JROTC Instructor at East Bladen High School. Atkins spoke passionately about what it means to be a patriot and a veteran.

“As a patriot, all gave some and some gave all,” said Atkins.

He noted there is no place greater than America. Atkins also reminded the audience there is turmoil in America and animosity. He reminded those in the audience not to get “wrapped around the axles” of the upheaval.

Atkins said he often reminds the cadets he teaches in JROTC that we see the differences in religions, politics, educational attainment and cultures. He stated that he reminds his cadets that with the next election cycle someone new will be in the White House, city council or mayor and that they will not be able to satisfy all of the citizens.

He also spoke briefly about the Veterans Administration Center and the difficulty veterans have attaining needed services.

Atkins also spoke about his time spent in Korea along the DMZ and his time spent training in Italy in the Alps, and how cold it was there.

Atkins said he is thankful for the veterans who have served before him.

“At the end of the day we are all patriots. At the end of the day we are veterans,” said Atkins.

He reminded those in attendance that they all stood for the flag, and no matter what the  differences may be, the veterans still stood for their country and for freedom.

“At the end of the day we are veterans. Thanks to all of the veterans who have served before me. Thanks to all of the family members of veterans,” said Atkins.

Veterans from all branches were recognized during the ceremony. 

John Trogdon, a member of the Criminal Justice faculty for Bladen Community College, spoke about Veterans Day. He stated there are 25 million veterans today. He shared a quote from the Korean War memorial, “Our nation honors her sons and daughters who answered the call to defend a country they never knew and a people they never met.”

Trogdon stated that quote could equally apply to all veterans from every war. He shared that Veterans Day is set aside to honor those who answered the call to serve.

Cierra Griffen, who works with the College and Career Promise program at BCC, led the pledge of allegiance and DeNaysia Cotton sang the national anthem. Kathleen McGurgan, Director of Evening Programs, gave the invocation.

William Mitchell, a member of the Business faculty, closed the ceremony and James Green of the Emergency Services Faculty played taps.

The Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy Color Guard presented the Colors.

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