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This Day In History1928 – Andrew Jackson elected 7th US President.

1834 – First US dental society organized (NY)

1883 – 48th US Congress (1883-85) convenes.

1923 – First Congressional open session broadcast via radio (Washington, D.C.)

1931 – Alka Seltzer goes on sale.

1944 – US 5th Armored division occupies Brandenburg Hurtgenwald.

1947 – Tennessee Williams’ “Streetcar Named Desire” premieres in NYC.

1948 – 1st US woman army officer not in medical corps sworn in.

1950 – Paul Harvey begins his national radio broadcast.

1953 – Eisenhower criticizes McCarthy for saying communists are in the Republican Party.

1967 – 1st human heart transplant performed in South Africa by Dr. Christian Barnard on Louis Washkansky.

1971 – US President Richard Nixon commutes Jimmy Hoffa’s jail term.

1979 – Christies auctions a thimble for a record $18,400.

1982 – 77 degrees F highest December temperature ever recorded in Cleveland, Ohio.

1988 – NY Lotto pays $45 million to twelve winners (#s are 1-8-13-18-28-48)

1989 – Soviet resident Mikhail Gorbachev and US President George H.W. Bush, declare the Cold War over.

1999 – NASA loses radio contact with the Mars Polar Lander moments before the spacecraft enters the Martian atmosphere.

2007 – Devastating winter storms cause Chehalis River to flood many cities in Lewis County, Washington, closing 20-mile portion of Interstate 5 for several days, resulting in at least eight deaths and billions of dollars of damage.

2014 – Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot and killed unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, resigns.

2015 – US Defense Secretary Ash Carter announces all combat roles in US armed forces will be open to women.

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