Spread the love

By Erin Smith

A woman whose Facebook page lists her as a Supervisor with Carroll’s Poultry is offering to pay individuals to attend the Bladenboro Town Board meeting on Monday in support of the plant.

In a post on her Facebook page, Erica Lewis is offering $10 to each person who will attend the meeting. Her post states, “We got a town meeting for Carroll’s Poultry on Monday at seven clock and for who comes out and support Carroll’s get ten dollars just for coming for 30 min but it’s the support to get us open.”

A message left for Ms. Lewis was not returned as of press time.

Bladenboro Town Administrator Blake Proctor said the matter will be on the town’s agenda on Monday. He had no comment regarding the Facebook posting made by Ms. Lewis.

The Bladenboro Town Board conducted an administrative hearing on December 11, 2018, to allow the town board to hear from representatives of Carroll’s Poultry regarding their wastewater permit. The town board voted at their October 2018 to begin the process to revoke the company’s wastewater permit due to repeated violations of their permit.

A certified letter was mailed to the company notifying them of the board’s intentions to revoke their discharge permit on November 2nd, 2018.

The town has fined the company a total of three times for violating the permit. Bladenboro Town Administrator Blake Proctor said the company is making installment payments on one fine and has not paid anything on the other two fines. The fines are in the amount of $22,500 each.

Proctor said no one with Carroll’s Poultry has been in contact with the town since the administrative hearing was conducted in December.

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