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Thoughts While ShavingTechnology is testing ever fiber in my body… I should not be allowed to own a computer…smile…just joking but changes are difficult…

This is Tuesday, June 2, 2015… believe it or not.
Developing a budget for a public body for some is like making sausage… It is not a pretty process…but hope it is good when completed.
This is not a good time to be a County Commissioner in Bladen County…said it before… Been there and done that… Reval is tough on Commissioners, Tax officials, property owners…then working through a budget process in a reval year is difficult, even more so in a rural, poor county.  Dealing with the school system where the population is dropping, buildings are old, need replacing and no one appears ready to deal with the very difficult issue of closing some schools… Then add orders from a judge to build a new jail… And property owners feel they are taxed to death… the tax rate has been 74 cents for a long time. It will take a miracle to keep it below 80 cents… Just my outdated way of thinking.
No tax is hated more than property tax… but it is the primary source for city and county governments….and the NC Legislature continues to cut taxes, but not the mandates, then pass the cost to the locals. The government that mandates any program or service should be mandated to pay the cost of the program.
And while I am on my “stump”….any elected officials that does not acknowledge a communication should not be re-elected. Just a confirmation that they have received the message from their constituent would be welcomed.
The most universally recognized word is “OK”.  “Coca Cola” comes in a close second.
On my arrival in the United States I was struck by the degree of ability among the governed and the lack of it among the governing.  Alexis de Toqueville
You can fool all the people all of the time if the advertising is right and the budget is big enough.
robert g hester

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