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1785 – First US state university in Athens, Georgia.

1870 – After accepting 15th amendment, Virginia is readmitted to the Union.

1880 – Thomas Edison patents electric incandescent lamp.

1915 – US Marines occupy Haiti.

1918 – “Tarzan of the Apes”, 1st Tarzan film, premieres at Broadway Theater.

1926 – US Senate agrees to join World Court.

1939 – First flight of the Lockheed P-38 Lightning.

1943 – 1st US attack on Germany (Wilhelmshafen)

1948 – 1st tape recorder sold.

1964 – Margaret Chase Smith (Sen-R-Maine) tries for Republican President bid.

1965 – 1st ground station-to-aircraft radio communication via satellite.

1967 – A fire in the Apollo I Command Module kills astronauts Grissom, White & Chaffee during a launch rehearsal.

1973 – Us & North Vietnam’s William Rogers & Nguyen Duy Trinh sign cease-fire, ending the longest US war and military draft.

1985 – 15th Space Shuttle (51-C) Mission-Discovery 3 returns to Earth.

1992 – Presidential candidate Bill Clinton & Genifer Flowers accuse each other of lying over her assertion they had a 12-year affair.

1996 – 15 day old conjoined twins separate: Sarah Morales survives, Sarahi dies.

1998 – Crane crashes into Roosevelt Island tram (NYC), injuring 10.

2017 – Donald Trump issues executive order banning travel to the US for 7 mostly Muslim countries and suspending admission for refugees.

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