Thoughts While Shaving
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A hearing is set for today in Raleigh to begin the process of deciding how to settle the contested US District House race for the 9th Congressional district that includes a portion of Bladen County.

Bladen has been shuffled around from the 7th to the 3rd, to the 1st and back to the 7th and is currently in a split district with about half the  county in the 9th Congressional District and about half in the 7th district.

Been bounced around, over the years at redistricting time like a Ping-Pong ball….at the ‘whim’ of North Carolina Legislators, Democrats and Republicans.

I decided to list them since the early 50s, not sure of order but close and in some instances were moved around due to redistricting:

1949-57   7th District      F. Ertel Carlyle (D)      Lumberton, NC Attorney

1957-73   7th District      Alton A. Lennon (D)    Wilmington, NC Attorney

1961-77   3rd District      David Henderson (D)  Wallace, NC Attorney

1977-86   3rd District      Charlie Whitley (D)      Mt. Olive, NC Attorney

1986-95   3rd District      Martin Lancaster (D)   Wayne County Attorney

1973-97   7th District      Charlie Rose (D)         Fayetteville, NC Attorney

1993-03   1st District      Eva Clayton (D)           Warren County, Attended Law School

1997-15   7th District      Mike McIntyre (D)        Lumberton, NC Attorney

2013-19   9th District      Robert Pittinger (R)     Charlotte, NC Real Estate Investor

2015-Present  7th District  David Rouzer (R)     Johnston County Businessman

As of this date, Bladen is split with Rouzer representing basically east of US 701 and a new US Congressman, to be determined, west of 701.

My list is overlapping, but all are or have been US Congressional Representatives of Bladen County at one time or another, depending on the district Bladen was in, based on action by the NC Legislature.  Hope I haven’t missed anyone.

Redistricting will take place over the next couple of years.  Currently there are 4 pending suits either at the US Supreme Court level or at another level, all challenging the current system.

NC State Senator Chuck McGrady (R) Henderson County has introduced legislation to have redistricting removed from the NC Legislature and allow a committee of NC citizens to redraw new districts.  Leadership in the NC House and Senate have not supported such action in the past.

Changing topics, remember when local areas were served by a bus line (Trailways).  Today, most appear to be charter only.

Change is certain.  Progress is not.  Edward Hallett “Ted” Carr

How we treat other people changes them, but even more so, how we treat other people changes us.  Bryant McGill

You can’t change what you don’t understand.  Orson Scott Card

robert g hester



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