Town Of Elizabethtown
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ETown Of Elizabethtownlizabethtown is beautiful this time of year according to many and now we will make way for Phase II of the Downtown Revitalization Project. Town of Elizabethtown Manager, Eddie Madden announced this afternoon that the Phase II of the Downtown Revitalization Project will begin on Monday, June 22nd, 2015.

Madden said, “I am pleased to announce that the Town of Elizabethtown will be proceeding with Phase II of the Downtown Revitalization Project. The outlined project area will be from Pine Street to Gillespie Street along NC Hwy. 87, and construction will consist of placing utility service lines underground.”

A surveying company will begin work gathering preliminary data for the utility burial work project on Monday, June 22nd. Madden asked, “Please note that some access to private property may be required in order to complete the plans for this project, and if there are concerns from residents, the surveying company representative may be asked to provide a business card. We are anticipating that the Phase II work for utility burial will begin in the spring of 2016 and should be completed by the end of 2016.”

According to the manager the majority of the work will involve utility burial and placement of decorative lighting which should not result in any inconvenience to you.

Madden finished by saying, “We thank you in advance as we look forward to this much needed project.” Any questions may be directed to the Elizabethtown Town Manager’s office at 910-862-2066 or Pat DeVane, Public Services Director, 910-862-2035.

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