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WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) spoke at a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Border Security and Immigration hearing on the humanitarian and security crisis at our southern border.

Senator Tillis on the human toll of people coming here:

“When the Flores court decision was reached in 2015 and people in other countries were being told by cartel members that they could get them into the country, that is when the influx began. There was a dip in illegal immigration when President Trump got elected he was serious about securing the border through people, technology, and infrastructure. However, when it came apparent that Congress could not come to a bipartisan agreement it has now led to a flow of people that are causing people to die. Women and children are dying making this illegal crossing.”


Senator Tillis on Congress’ need to act:

“This situation is not President Trump’s fault. It’s the people exploiting Flores and the U.S. legal system for financial gain among the organized crime and it is disgusting that Congress cannot recognize that we should be urging those who are thinking about making the journey to immigrate illegally to please not do that to your children and risk their lives. This is a national crisis. This is a national emergency, and we have to get Congress to act.”


Chief Provost of the US Border Patrol on the situation at the Southern border:

“My men and women are doing everything they can to meet this challenge, but Border Patrol cannot do this alone. Our nation cannot solve today’s crisis using yesterday’s legal framework. This outdated framework has not only tied our hands, but has driven hundreds of thousands of people to risk their lives on the dangerous journey to our border. Smuggling organizations have built an entirely new line of business around these families and children. It is highly lucrative and provides a distraction that helps them cash in on other illicit activities. When my agents were working on the border, they know that smugglers and their scouts are watching their every move. Rest assured, they are watching what we do here in Washington and they are banking on inaction. Crisis is the word so many are now using to describe the border, but now, we need more than words. It’s time to act. Thank you, and I look forward to your questions.”

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