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1721 – South Carolina formally incorporated as a royal colony.

1765 – Patrick Henry’s historic speech against the Stamp Act, answering a cry of “Treason!” with, “If this be treason, make the most of it!”

1849 – President Lincoln says “You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all the time.”

1886 – American chemist John Pemberton begins to advertise Coca-Cola.

1900 – Trademark “Escalator” registered by Otis Elevator Co.

1912 – 15 young women are fired by Curtis Publishing in Philadelphia for dancing the “Turkey Trot” during their lunch break.

1916 – Official flag of President of the United States adopted.

1932 – The Bonus Army of World War I veterans begins to assemble in Washington, D.C. to request cash bonuses promised to them to be paid in 1945.

1943 – Meat and cheese rationed in US.

1945 – US 1st Marine division conquers Shrui Castle, Okinawa.

1968 – US Truth in Lending Act signed into law.

1973 – Thomas Bradley elected 1st African American mayor of Los Angeles, California.

1976 – Only home run of Joe Niekro’s 22-year career, comes off brother Phil.

1978 – US 1st class postage rises to 15 cents (13 cents for 3 years)

1982 – Pentagon plans 1st strategy to fight a nuclear war.

1996 – Space Shuttle STS 77 Endeavour 11, lands.

1999 – Space Shuttle Discovery completes the first docking with the International Space Station.

2001 – Natural gas futures plunge 6% to a 10-month low on speculation that growing US inventories will help plants meet summer demand for air-conditioning.

2004 – The World War II Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C.

2014 – President Obama approves US military training of ‘moderate’ Syrian rebels to fight the regime of Basher al-Assad and al Qaeda-linked groups.

2018 – Starbucks closes more than 8,000 US stores early for racial bias training after two black men wrongly arrested in a store in April.

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