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Thoughts While ShavingOur temp reached 100 degrees yesterday afternoon…that breaks the old record for the date of 98 degrees set 34 years ago in 1981.
Youngsters and adults involved in the Bladen Mission 2015 project continued on schedule…Outdoor activities were at a little slower pace with longer breaks….11 teams of 5 (more or less) were all over the county working on ‘worthy’ projects.  There were indoor activities as well…Organizers and participants are to be commended for their efforts.  The projects continues today and Thursday.
Can you think back about some of the times when you were exposed to hot temps?
Have mentioned ‘cropping’ tobacco as a youngster…Dixie Youth baseball…..We have all had those ‘hot weather’ experiences.
Do you  plan to run for President?  Why not?  Probably as qualified as some who have announced for the top spot…The latest is the ‘rich’ man…Donald Trump…He said he was rich and apparently his is…….
Who is the worst President, ever?  US News and World Report list James Buchanan the worst and Warren G. Harding was next…This publication lists some in my life time.  10th worse..George W. Bush and Richard Nixon were tied for #10, Jimmy Carter number #11 and Barack Obama #15.   unanimous…
Presidential Scholars’ Ranking of Top Presidents…… lists Abraham Lincoln as the best, George Washington #2, Franklin Roosevelt #3….others in no special order..#6 Harry Truman: #7 Dwight Eisenhower: #8 Bill Clinton; #11 Ronald Reagan: John Kennedy was listed as #14 and H.W.Bush #17….
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”  John Quincy Adams
“I walk slowly, but I never walk backward.” Abraham Lincoln
“It is much more important to kill bad bills that to pass good ones.”  Calvin Coolidge
“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.”  Harry S. Truman
robert g hester
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